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20 éves a MEK, 10 éves az EPA Én is
MEK önkéntes

20 éves a MEK
10 éves az EPA


Király Péter, keresés, Lucene, Solr, Java, Perl, PHP, OAI-PMH, webfejlesztés, digitális könyvtár, MARC, FRBR, RDA, Drupal, EAD, EAC, Europeana,, MEK, és sok minden más.

Friss topikok


Solr query facets in Europeana

2014.02.13. 00:56 kirunews

In Europeana we use Apache Solr for searching. Our data model is called EDM (Europeana Data Model), in which a real record* has two main parts: the metadata object, containing information about an objects stored in one of the 2400 cultural heritage institutions all over Europe, and the contextual…

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Címkék: europeana solr code4lib #AllezCulture

integer vs sint

2009.02.26. 12:15 kirunews

> What are the differences between using an sint and an integer, aside> from the range queries on sint? If I've indexed a field as an> integer, and I try to sort on it, will there be performance problem?Nope.  If you don't need range queries, use "integer". Sorts work…

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Címkék: solr

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