Ezra Barnett Gildesgame, Greg Knaddison: Drupal in Action (Manning, 2009) (-> Manning MEAP: $27.50-$49.99, Drupal.org, Amazon, fórum)
A könyv még csak a Manning MEAP programjén keresztül érhető el, vagyis csak néhány fejezet PDF-ben. A nyomtatvány 2009 októbere körül érhető el.
Part 1: Introducing Drupal
What is Drupal? Why open source? Why Drupal?
Technical introduction to Drupal
The state of modern, interactive websites
Part 2: Fundamentals of publishing with Drupal
Basic publishing workflow with Drupal
Views: easily present and format lists of content without writing database queries
Using panels to create sophisticated landing pages
User-recommended content
Complete control of visual presentation
Images and image galleries
Part 3 Advanced publishing with Drupal
Advanced workflow with workflow/actions modules
Syndicating content and data migrations
Generating revenue
Performance and scalability
Managing repeatable site upgrades and deployments
The Drupal community