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20 éves a MEK
10 éves az EPA


Király Péter, keresés, Lucene, Solr, Java, Perl, PHP, OAI-PMH, webfejlesztés, digitális könyvtár, MARC, FRBR, RDA, Drupal, EAD, EAC, Europeana,, MEK, és sok minden más.

Friss topikok


Drupal 6 JavaScript and jQuery

2009.05.06. 18:17 kirunews

Matt Butcher: Drupal 6 JavaScript and jQuery (Pactk, 2009, 340 oldal) (-> Packt (ebook: $27.19, print: $35.19, combo: $40.79), Amazon ($34.58-$39.99)) 

  • Preface
  • Chapter 1: Drupal and JavaScript
    • Do you speak...?
      • PHP
      • SQL
      • HTML
      • CSS
      • XML
      • JavaScript
    • Drupal's architecture
      • The Drupal Core
      • The Theme Engine
      • Modules
    • Users, nodes, and blocks
      • Users
      • Blocks
      • Nodes
    • Drupal JavaScript development tools
      • A good editor
      • Firebug
      • The Drupal Devel package
    • Summary
  • Chapter 2: Working with JavaScript in Drupal
    • How Drupal handles JavaScript
      • Where Drupal JavaScript comes from?
    • Project overview: printer-friendly page content
    • The printer script
      • Drupal coding standards
        • Stylistic differences between PHP and JavaScript
      • The first lines
      • The print() function
    • Creating a theme
      • Full themes and subthemes
      • Creating a theme: first steps
        • Creating a theme directory
        • Creating the .info file
        • Adding files to the theme
      • The CSS file
      • Adding JavaScript to a theme
        • Overriding a template
        • Adding the script file
    • Summary
  • Chapter 3: jQuery: Do More with Drupal
    • jQuery: the write less, do more library
      • A first jQuery script
        • Getting jQuery
        • Starting with a basic HTML document
        • Querying with jQuery (and the Firebug console)
        • Bye bye, jQuery(); hello $()
        • Doing more with jQuery
    • Using jQuery in Drupal
      • Don't do it yourself!
    • Project: rotating sticky node teasers
      • The StickyRotate functions
        • The init() function
        • The periodicRefresh() function
        • Adding an event handler with jQuery
    • A brief look backward
    • Summary
  • Chapter 4: Drupal Behaviors
    • The drupal.js library
    • Drupal JavaScript behaviors
      • Defining a behavior to handle repeatable events
      • Telling Drupal to attach behaviors
        • Context and behaviors: bug potential
    • Project: collapsing blocks
    • Utilities
      • Checking capabilities with Drupal.jsEnabled
      • The Drupal.checkPlain() function (and the jQuery alternative)
      • The Drupal.parseJson() function
      • The Drupal.encodeURIComponent() function
      • The Drupal.getSelection() function
    • Project: a simple text editor
      • The main behavior
        • Step 1: find text areas that need processing
        • Step 2: add event handlers
        • Step 3: attach the button bar
    • Summary
  • Chapter 5: Lost in Translations
    • Translations and drupal.js
    • Translation and languages
      • Turning on translation support
      • Getting and installing translations
      • Configuring languages
        • Adding the language
        • Configuring languages
    • Using the translation functions
      • The Drupal.t() function
      • The Drupal.formatPlural() function
    • Adding a translated string
    • Project: weekend countdown
      • Translating the project's strings
      • Changing a translation file
    • Summary
  • Chapter 6: JavaScript Theming
    • Theming in PHP, theming in JavaScript
    • The Drupal.theme() function
    • Project: menus and blocks
      • Adding a block with a menu in it
      • Theming a block
      • Theming a menu
    • The JavaScript theming module
      • Theming tables
      • Sending notifications to the user
      • Adding links
    • Project: templates for JavaScript
      • The node template
      • From a template to a system: what next?
      • A template system
      • Theming with templates
      • Using the template system
      • A word of warning
    • Summary
  • Chapter 7: AJAX and Drupal Web Services
    • AJAX, JSON, XHR, AHAH, and Web 2.0
      • Web application and Web 2.0
        • The position of AJAX in Web 2.0
      • Getting technical
      • Move over, XML
    • Project: web clips with RSS and AJAX
      • Really Simple Syndication (RSS)
      • The project goals
      • Creating the web clips tool
        • The WebClips behavior
        • The WebClips.showItem() function
    • Project: real-time comment notifications
      • Displaying comments as notifications
      • Installing Views and Views Datasource
      • Creating a JSON view
      • The comment watcher
        • The comment watcher behavior
        • The CommentWatcher.check() function
        • Theming the comment notification
        • Managing cookies
    • Summary
  • Chapter 8: Building a Module
    • How modules work
      • The module structure
        • The directory
        • The .info file
        • The .module file
        • Where do modules go?
    • Project: creating a JavaScript loader module
      • Creating the module directory
      • A JavaScript sample
      • The module's .info file
        • A custom addition
      • The .module file
        • The jsloader_help() function
        • The jsloader_init() function
    • Project: the editor revisited
      • First step: creating the module
      • The CSS file
      • The bettereditor.module file
      • The bettereditor.js script
        • The editor() behavior
        • The insertTag() function
        • The addTag() theme
        • The button() theme function
        • The buttonBar() theme function
      • A last question
    • Summary
  • Chapter 9: Integrating and Extending
    • Project: autocompletion and search
      • The theory
      • Our plan
      • First step: creating the taxonomy
      • The new module
      • The search autocomplete JavaScript
    • Project: jQuery UI
      • What is jQuery UI?
      • Getting jQuery UI
      • The accordion module
      • The .info and .module files
      • The accordion JavaScript
    • Project: writing a jQuery plug-in
      • The plug-in code
        • A brief introduction to closures
        • The divWrap() function
    • Summary
  • Index


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